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Above are examples of monoline icons, created for Windows and several Microsoft fonts. They were created using a set grid system and tight set of constraints, referring back to established guidelines. 


Below is an example exploration to update the ease of access symbol. Feedback regarding the existing symbol described it as too ambiguous. The goal was to update and align this icon with common metaphors that currently exist, and to emphasize humanistic qualities. 

The first round of explorations include metaphors such as a door and a generic user with arms upward. The first two columns show variations, while columns three through seven show variation examples with modifiers for different statuses. 

The next round features distinct, new variations of the user icon (such as the filled user, raised hand, and user passing through a door).

The number of variations consolidated down to a small few. Contextual mockups were created to show how these variations would hold, alongside other icons. Below are example mockups of a well-received variation. 

This exploration resulted in no final decision or outcome, and the project was ultimately archived.

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